Just a quick reminder that tonight's Daily Poster seminar begins tonight (9/22) at 8pm ET (5pm PT). The event will show Daily Poster subscribers techniques to dig up public records and hold politicians accountable. You will get to talk with Daily Poster senior editor and reporter Andrew Perez about how to file successful public record requests, and use our Citizens’ Guide to Following the Money and Holding the Powerful Accountable, which is free with a paid subscription.
PAYING SUBSCRIBERS: Go to our LIVE CHAT PAGE, then click on the green “Save my spot!” button in the embedded Crowdcast player at the bottom of the page - and please make sure to see our presentation materials at that link).
FREE SUBSCRIBERS: If you would like to participate in the live chat, please subscribe here. You will receive an email with login information for the event.
This seminar is part of our mission is to provide our subscribers with the tools they need to scrutinize power. For this first seminar, we will be exploring how to use public record laws to uncover the documents and paper trails those in power don’t want you to see.
Perez is an expert on the matter. Over his career, he has filed hundreds of record requests, many of which have resulted in major investigative scoops. He's excited to share the secrets of his success, including:
- How to file public record requests.
- How to determine what kinds of records are publicly available.
- How to word requests for the best results.
- How to conceive and execute major record request campaigns.
- How to best follow up on record requests.
- How to minimize headaches and costs.
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