
In the new season of The Audit, hosts Dave and Josh take a big leap into the astounding world of PragerU, a right-wing propaganda machine that aspires to become a force in American education.

Founded by conservative radio host Dennis Prager, PragerU is a far-right media outlet structured as a non-profit educational institution. Primarily distributed through YouTube and Facebook, its slickly-produced videos are carefully crafted to push a reactionary political agenda and promote a regressive vision of society to young people.

This first episode, which delves into PragerU’s approach to world history and foreign affairs, features guest Daniel Bessner, an associate professor of International Studies at the University of Washington and co-host of the American Prestige podcast.

The three discuss PragerU’s revisionist understanding of topics like the British Empire, the Cold War, and the Vietnam War, as well as the importance of education and expertise in shaping our understanding of history and the world around us.

A rough transcript of this episode is available here.

BONUS: The Audit Premium (the extended version of The Audit which is exclusively available for supporting subscribers) is ad-free and features bonus discussion with Bessner about the U.S. invasion of Iraq. To get access to Lever Premium Podcasts, and all the other benefits of a paid subscription, click here.

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