A reminder that today at 4pm ET (1pm PT) is our weekly Callin show, Lever Live.

On Friday, David Sirota discussed the Supreme Court’s latest ethics scandals with Justin Elliott from ProPublica and Michael Liroff from the 5-4 Pod. They also took questions from the audience live on-air.

Lever Live is publicly available for anyone to listen to and participate in. Just click the button below to find tonight’s show on Callin.

A transcript is be available through the link above. For more detailed instructions on how to use Callin, go here.

In addition, supporting subscribers will have access to an exclusive once-a-month BONUS episode of Lever Live. Supporting subscribers will be able to chat with our editorial staff in real time. We will send supporting subscribers a special personalized link to these bonus events before they occur.

If you enjoy this live show, feel free to pitch into the tip jar — it helps us do this kind of reporting:

We hope you enjoy our weekly live events — it’s the next step in our plan to build a powerful independent voice to take on corporate media.