This weekend, The Daily Poster reported on Mitch McConnell’s plan to adjourn the Senate for the next two weeks in order to prevent Democrats from trying to take over the Senate and throw a wrench into the GOP’s effort to confirm Trump’s Supreme Court pick, Amy Barrett. That GOP plan was put in motion on Monday, when Senate Democrats agreed to let the Republican adjournment motion pass.
On its face, this looks like another retreat in a long line of such retreats — which shouldn’t be surprising. Among Democratic strategists in Washington, there are always reasons to preemptively surrender and live to never fight another day.
Now, there’s a new digital ad out from the Center for Popular Democracy that is ratcheting up pressure on Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer to be more aggressive in trying to stop the Barrett nomination.
This is an excerpt from The Daily Poster’s subscriber-only post. To read the entire article and get all subscriber-only content, click here to subscribe for $5 a month or $50 a year.