LEVER TIME: The Scientific Breakthrough That Could End Climate Change

On this week’s episode of Lever Time: In light of the recent breakthrough in nuclear fusion technology, David Sirota sits down with UK plasma physicist Dr. Arthur Turrell to learn about this “holy grail” of scientific research. Could nuclear fusion be deployed to combat the climate crisis, and how long would it take to do so?

Click here for a rough transcript of the episode.

BONUS: On Lever Time Premium, our extended weekly podcast for supporting subscribers, Producer Frank, Rebecca Burns, and Julia Rock discuss the “One Thing” that’s been most on their mind recently, including the recent arrest of crypto huckster Sam Bankman-Fried, the surge of recent films dealing with classism like Triangle of Sadness and The Menu, and how dentists are a scam.

To get access to Lever Time Premium and all of its bonus content, go here.

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