SAVE THE DATE: Live Chat With Noam Chomsky On 2/17

On Wednesday 2/17 at 7pm ET (4pm PT), Daily Poster supporting subscribers will talk to acclaimed writer, activist, and scholar Noam Chomsky about the rise of authoritarianism in America and his argument that Trumpism is an outgrowth of the Democrats abandoning the working class.

Chomsky has a new book out called Chomsky For Activists, which chronicles his decades of protesting and what lessons can be learned in the current era.

Our regular live-chat events are exclusively for Daily Poster supporting subscribers, who will be able to watch the broadcast live and ask questions in real time.

To participate, click here to become an $8-a-month or $70-a-year subscriber to the Daily Poster.

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Hope to see you there!

Rock the boat,
