Reconciliation Battle Live Chat With Rep. Ro Khanna On 10/5

On Tuesday 10/5 at 6pm ET (3 pm PT), Daily Poster subscribers spoke with U.S. Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., to get a real-time update on the battle between progressive and corporate Democrats over the reconciliation bill and its tax, climate, and social-safety-net provisions. Subscribers can find a link below to a replay of the event.

Khanna is a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, which has so far withheld votes for a separate infrastructure legislation unless it remains linked to the passage of the reconciliation bill. Right now, corporate Democrats Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona are pushing to drastically weaken the reconciliation bill for the benefit of their big-industry donors. As corporate interests pour money and influence into the battle, negotiations over the pivotal legislation are expected to stretch over the next several weeks.

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