MIDDAY POSTER: Billionaires Hit The Jackpot During The Pandemic

#TaxTheRich protestors at Times Square, March 4, 2021. (Photo credit: Erik McGregor/Getty Images)

This report is written by Walker Bragman.

While Biden is now eyeing the country’s first significant tax hike since 1993, he has expressed hostility to the idea of a wealth tax. But new data from the nonprofit Americans For Tax Fairness suggests the country’s richest did well enough for themselves over the past year to have income to spare.


• The White House tells The Daily Poster that people will be able to request White House staffers’ financial disclosure forms starting on Friday.

• Time is running out to reverse Trump’s last-minute rule changes.

• The Yemen conflict continues to exact a heavy toll, despite the administration’s supposedly tough stance on Saudi Arabia.

• Pfizer executives are cheering on the latest COVID-19 news — even though the developments could spell trouble for the rest of the world.

This is an excerpt of our Midday Poster — which is exclusive for Daily Poster supporting subscribers. If you’d like to read the full report — which includes much more — click here to become an $8-a-month or $70-a-year supporting subscriber. When you become a supporting subscriber, you get this kind of exclusive content, you get access to our live events, and you are helping us hire more journalists.

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