LEVER WEEKLY: The Lever Goes To Washington


This is Lever Weekly, a supporting subscriber-only feature that reviews our reporting from the past week, plus showcases major must-reads from around the world. If you only read one email from us all week, this one should be it.

This week, The Lever and ProPublica’s groundbreaking reporting on the largest political advocacy donation in U.S. history took center stage, as President Joe Biden and major lawmakers referenced our work while advocating for the DISCLOSE Act, which would force dark money groups to disclose their donors. While the bill failed in the Senate on Thursday, we aren’t giving up the fight. With a clear-eyed view of the path forward, The Lever’s Andrew Perez broke down how the filibuster ensures that bills like the DISCLOSE Act hardly ever become law.

The Lever team also revealed how the Manchin-Schumer permitting reform deal would boost fossil fuel production, explored a bold new tactic European climate activists are using against a fossil fuel giant, and provided supporting subscribers with an eye-opening guide to the biggest political donors (and their motivations) this election season.

Read all about it in this week’s Lever Weekly, exclusively for supporting subscribers below.