LEVER TIME: Meet Wall Street’s Most Corrupt Senate Candidate

In the new episode of our weekly podcast Lever Time, David Sirota is joined by The Lever’s reporters Julia Rock and Rebecca Burns to discuss recent news, including a climate protest that made international headlines for dousing a Van Gogh painting in tomato soup, and a sketchy financial bait-and-switch by Microchip giant Intel. Julia and Rebecca also break down their massive stories on Republican Senate candidate Ted Budd, who during his terms as a Congressman has helped his donors bypass predatory lending laws, and helped facilitate the merger of two giant banks, all while collecting mountains of cash from the financial industry.

In addition, David sits down with Melissa Jacoby, one of the foremost experts on bankruptcy law, for a deep dive on how corporations abuse the bankruptcy system to shield themselves from liability, while real people are afforded none of the same protections.

Click here for a rough transcript of the episode.

BONUS: Lever Time Premium, our extended weekly podcast for supporting subscribers, features The Lever’s Matthew Cunningham-Cook's interview with the authors of the new book Our Veterans, which explores the impact that military service has on our country's veterans, as well as the multitude of problems they face after their service.

To get access to Lever Time Premium and all of its bonus content, go here.

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