5/4 LIVE CHAT: Exposing Wall Street’s Pension Looting

On Wednesday 5/4 at 7:30pm ET (4:30pm PT), The Lever’s subscribers spoke with New York Assemblyman Ron Kim (D), Pennsylvania state Senator Katie Muth (D), and former Securities and Exchange Commission attorney Ted Siedle about their recent efforts to protect workers’ public pensions from private investors on Wall Street.

Kim recently introduced a bill in New York that would require financial firms to disclose what they are doing with hundreds of billions of dollars of Americans’ retirement savings. Separately, Muth is suing the Pennsylvania Public School Employees’ Retirement System to ascertain information regarding the pension fund’s high-risk, high-fee investments in private equity, hedge funds, and real estate. Join us as The Lever speaks with Kim and Muth, as well as Siedle, a prominent securities expert and pension whistleblower, about the reinvigorated effort to protect workers’ pensions.

Lever subscribers can watch a replay of the live chat using the embedded Crowdcast window below.

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