3/17 LIVE EVENT: The Bank Panic Of 2023 — With Ro Khanna, Saule Omarova, and Matt Stoller

Tomorrow, Friday, March 17 at 4 pm ET (1 pm PT), The Lever’s paid supporting subscribers will get exclusive access to a live discussion about the Silicon Valley Bank collapse with U.S. Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.); Cornell Law School Professor Saule Omarova, a Biden nominee blocked by the Senate because she has supported financial regulation; and Matt Stoller, director of research at the American Economic Liberties Project and a former Senate budget analyst.

The group will discuss the industry lobbying and deregulation that led to this development, the state of financial markets moving forward, and what reforms can be implemented to prevent future bank collapses. There will also be an opportunity for live questions from the audience.

If you are not a paid supporting subscriber but wish to attend this event, click below to become a supporting subscriber right now. Not only does your subscription directly finance The Lever’s independent journalism that holds the powerful accountable, but you will get a private link to this live chat shortly before it begins tomorrow, as well as many other great perks.

For those that can’t make it to the live show, a recording and transcript will be made available after the event.